Look Good, Feel Great and Live Full

Written by Babu Alwarappan, Fitzapp Co-Founder

I got into fitness to lose weight.

I committed to fitness when I realised that working out is not about what you shed, but what you gain.

Energy. Mobility. Lightness. Focus. Mood. Pep.

I will stay in fitness so that others can achieve the same.

In 2014 The World Health Organisation published a set of statistics that were a major wake up call for me. The figures stated that out of 56 million deaths globally, 38 million or 68 per cent were due to NCD (non-communicable diseases). And half of these deaths were classed as premature – under the age of 70.

Reading between the lines of the report I found the word `preventable`. Many deaths were linked to tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and harmful use of alcohol.

Although governments around the world are literally spending billions of dollars to help educate and better control these preventable deaths caused by our own bad habits, we must all take personal responsibility of our own life journey and in doing so, prevent our own expensive and untimely end.

As kids, most of us loved to play. We would run to meet our friends, climb trees, skip, cartwheel, hop, jump. Anything but sit. So what has changed since? Why did sedentary become necessary?

Why have we forgotten how to have fun through physical activity?

Like many people, my fitness journey was born out of guilt; the guilt I experienced after sculling a pack of beer, or smashing a big mac with large fries and coke. It evolved into a desire to look good for summer or for a big party. I would be lying if I said I don't work out for aesthetic gains, but seeing other benefits of exercising regularly, I have advanced to enjoying it so much so that I look forward to training at least five times a week. Every time I walk away from a workout I feel great, my energy level and mood throughout the day is awesome, my focus at any task is improved, I invariably make the right food choices, I sleep better, and above all, it means I can run about with my kids and keep them active. Through them I have rediscovered the fun of physical activity I had once lost.

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” – Mae West

Quality Of Life
Physical activity prolongs our optimal health, boosts mental wellness, and improves physical wellness. I have seen the effects of a lack of fitness firsthand; with my own mother.

Now in her 70s, she is on many types of medication and hardly goes anywhere, let alone enjoying her retirement by touring the world.

On the other hand, I see my best friend’s father who, at 83 years, does in fact travel around the world to run marathons and wouldn’t remember the last time he visited his doctor.

If you had to choose, who would you rather be? The answer isn’t rocket science. It was like ABC for me.

This new penchant for fitness has lead me to develop my own app through which I’m hoping, with the help of some of the best fitness gurus that I could find, will motivate many others to achieve the fitness successes I have.

Fitzapp is designed to help people succeed in their fitness journey by making fitness easy to start and simple to build, no matter what your experience level.

Get started to lose weight if you want.

But commit for the gains.

Energy. Mobility. Lightness. Focus. Mood. Pep.

Because, as Mae West said “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”

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Look Good

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